Library & E-Library

Books are not only integral to the teaching and learning process but also gates to lands of pleasure. Reading is the art of interpreting printed and written words and plays a vital role in developing students' intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth. With this belief in mind J.H. Poddar high school & Jr. College aims to inculcate reading habits among the students and foster the ability & desire to read.

The school has a well-stocked library for students and teachers on various educational and entertainment topics. The library functions from 8.00am to 6.00 pm during all the working days. To imbibe reading habits in students and staff members, the school library offers the following:

  • Text books & reference books.
  • A wide range of latest fiction, story books, poetry, prose, philosophical books, encyclopaedias and other reference resources.
  • Magazines, comics, newspapers.
  • There are approximately 15,000 books in the library.
  • Enough seating arrangement for the students and the teachers.
  • Computerized issue and return of books to students and staff members.
  • Regular library activities are planned to engage & motivate the students to develop interest in reading.
  • E-library to suit those who are electronically inclined.